Improve the way you deliver digital products.

We help customers improve the efficiency and predictability of their development organization while improving employee engagement.

We walk with you to achieve the extraordinary.

We have decades of experience in a variety of industries bringing you insights into best practices and modern advanced in development organizations.

Who We Are

Helping you deliver digital products more efficiently and predictably.

We help our customers discover the right features to focus on and then enable them to deliver them to production more efficiently with increased predictably.

Ideation and Innovation

Reports show that 70% of features go unused by customers. Our team will work with your organization to perform ideation and innovation workshops to vet your current backlog and develop new solutions to complex problems.

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Increase Efficiency

To stay competitive in a challenging economy it’s essential to make sure you’re getting the most value you can from your team. Unlocking efficiency not only improves the bottom line it increases employee engagement as well.

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Improve Predictability

Consulting planning for modern businesses involves providing advice and guidance to companies on how…

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Limited Time Offer, Get a free 90 minute consultation.

For a limited time we are offering a free 90 minute consultation with one of our experts. We will help you discover patterns for success in your unique context.


People Trained


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Meet Our Team

Meet Our Awesome Teams

We only work with seasoned practitioners who have proven results with customers.

Martin Franci

PHD, Accountancy

Kierra Philips

PHD, Chemistry

Ahmad Levin

PHD, Finance

Makenna Geidt

PHD, Accountancy

Knowledge Center

Latest Article & Blog

  • What teams can do when mgmt “doesn’t get” agile

    What teams can do when mgmt “doesn’t get” agile

    Inevitably when I talk to agile teams and their scrum masters I almost always hear how management “doesn’t get it” and is continually making unreasonable requests of the team. However after digging into the situation I usually find there’s a misunderstanding of what needs to be in place in their agile ecosystem to give management…

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  • The Magic of SAFe PI Planning

    The Magic of SAFe PI Planning

    One of the things I love most about my job as an agile transformation change agent is facilitating SAFe Program Increment planning with an interdependent group of teams. I think one of the reasons I like this so much is that in my many years of working with teams literally around the globe I have…

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  • The most important step toward achieving your vision today might not be on your “to do” list

    The most important step toward achieving your vision today might not be on your “to do” list

    I had the privilege to spend some time in Aspen Colorado this week meeting with some influential leaders that have an amazing vision for their organization. I was truly inspired and immediately stepped into “doing what I do” and started helping them break that vision into small experiments with hypothesis that could be evaluated and…

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